Week 8, Term 3 2024 - 27th August 2024
APRE's Reflection
Dr Michael Bernard, PhD, the founder of You Can Do It! Education, is an international consultant to universities, businesses, not-for-profit organisations, educational authorities and governments. Michael has worked closely with children of all ages and their families while counselling at one of Melbourne’s leading private schools. He was the first sports psychologist of the Collingwood Football Club.
St Mary’s have been using the YCDI Program for over 15 years, finding that it offers clear, effective instruction, positive re-enforcement and restorative redirection for inappropriate behaviour. The Revised Program’s weekly lessons are an essential component of our social-emotional education.
Another facet of the program we encourage all parents to utilize are the Parent Resources.
This video presented by Michael Bernard provides information and strategies to assist children to develop the crucial skill of resilience. Please enjoy and feel welcome to ask for further information.
Terri Leotta
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
From our Principal | Mr Wes Rose

Year 6 Camp
Today through to Thursday, our Year 6 students will travel to the Capricorn Coast for their camp, enjoying Great Keppel Island, The Capricorn Caves and Cooberrie Park Wildlife Centre. Mrs van Lint, Mr Townsend, Mr Rose, Mrs Tass, Mrs Gordon and Mr Iain Clarendon will be in attendance. During my absence, Mrs Leotta is acting Principal.
Pupil Free Day
Please note that next Friday 30th August is a pupil free day. Staff will undertake professional learning and training during this time.
Centenary Yearbook and Cookbook
We still have copies of these books available to purchase from the school office. All students who are enrolled this year have their photo included in this book, which will be a great keepsake for families. Please see the ladies in the school office to get your copy.
Catholic Identity Conversation
Next Thursday 5th September we welcome Mrs Kellie Jenkinson (Assistant Director: Mission) and Mr Derek Worden (Religious Education Consultant) to St Mary’s. Kellie and Derek will be assisting the school in monitoring our Catholic Identity, as well as working through the results from the ECSI surveys that Year 5-6 students, staff and parents completed in April this year.
St Mary’s Feast Day
Next Friday 6th September, we will celebrate the Feast Day of Mary’s birthday. On this day, we will have several events that parents are most welcome to attend;
- Mass from 9am in our Hall. I thank Fr Anthony for presiding at this Mass. We will cut Mary’s birthday cake afterwards.
- Centenary time capsule dedication and burial. 11:30am in the grassed area near our school flags. Witness our time capsule be buried, to be opened at the school’s 125th celebrations in 2049!
- International Food Day. From 12:30pm-1:30pm, we will have food from many different cultures available for students and staff to sample. I sincerely thank the parents that are assisting with preparing food for this event; it is always a highlight of the school calendar!
Quote of the Week
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it”
– Aristotle
Pupil Free Day

St Mary's Art Extravaganza
The annual St Mary's Art Show is back for 2024! We will be showcasing artwork from students Prep to Year 6 following their lessons with our resident artist, the talented Ms Maria Lenz and also from our Year 5 Camera Club, under the direction of Mrs Lewis. The entry fee is a gold coin donation.
Don't forget to pre-order your pizza through www.quickcliq.com.au, enter the date 10/09/2024 for the items to be available. We will have Nonno's Woodfired Pizza onsite.
We will also have live music and a bar set up on the green.
This event is always a highlight of the St Mary’s calendar and we look forward to seeing everyone from the St Mary’s community on the evening.
If any parents would like to volunteer on the night, please complete the following:
We are also looking for any talented student and parent artists who would like to display their artwork.

Sport News

Congratulations to Oliver Standish and Flynn Pearce for their selection in the Capricornia athletics team. Oliver placed first in high jump, setting a new Capricornia record (and personal best) of 1.41m. Flynn placed 2nd in both the 800m and 1500m races.
Jump Rope for Heart

There are only 3 weeks left St Mary’s to raise money or log your skipping hours.
Congratulations to our top 3 skippers who have logged nearly 8 hours of skipping between them.
- Eddie Richards (2L) – 2 Hours 59 Minutes
- Adeline Cunningham (2L) – 2 Hours 50 mins
- Ryker Harris (PP) – 1 Hour 33 mins
Here are our results thus far:
- 27 students registered on the portal.
- 14 students actively fundraising.
- Raising $3025.44 to date.
- Logging 22 hours of skipping practice! ♥
Make sure you stop and check out the club challenge posters on the basketball court. If you haven’t made our Kangaroo Club (Prep/Year 1), 1 minute, 3 minute or 5 minute club yet set yourself a challenge to get your name on one of these posters before the end of term.
Simone Sibley
HPE Teacher
Sacramental Program
Students in Year 3 or above are invited to begin preparing to receive their Sacraments; Reconciliation, Confirmation, Holy Communion.
Enrolment forms are available at the school office and can be completed and brought along to the first workshop.
If you would like further information please contact the school office.
Workshop – Thursday 17th October 3:15pm
Workshop – Thursday 24th October 3:15pm
Youth Mass - Saturday 26th October 5pm
Reconciliation – Tuesday 29th October 6pm
Workshops will take place at the school.
Terri Leotta
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
Year 1 Firemen Visit
Yesterday, Year 1 had a special visit from Blazer and the crew from Mackay Fire & Rescue. They had a lesson in special safety protection and what to do in the event of a fire, followed by hands-on play with the fire hoses.

Student of the Week
Week 7, Term 3 Student Award Winners
Prep P | Airlie | For great work during our maths lessons and rotations this week. You are working hard to solve tricky subtraction sums. Keep up the wonderful work Airlie! |
Prep P | Elsie | For super work with your writing this week. You are working hard to write interesting sentences and sound out tricky words. Keep working hard Elsie! |
Prep R | Piper | For the hard work you are putting into Maths lessons. You are working hard on patterns and subtracting. Keep up the fantastic work. |
Prep R | Nina | For the way you try your best in everything you do. Nina you are a learning Super Star in all areas and we are so proud of you! |
1B | Aleyna | For quickly calculating number stories this week. You can use learnt strategies to work out problems. Well done! |
1B | Henley | For such a fabulous effort on your written recount of our book week parade. Great work Henley! |
1S | Cohen | For the thoughtful and positive feedback you give to your classmates. I love how you encourage your classmates. |
1S | Jack | For your amazing reading! Your expressive and engaging voice brings your reading to life. You are a pleasure to listen to and your reflections are so thoughtful. |
2A | Narnia | For the effort and creative flair you showed during your writing time. When you put your mind to the task, anything is possible. Keep up the great work, Narnia! |
2A | Bowen | For the exemplary role model you are to your peers. You come into class, ready to learn and eager to work. You are amazing, Bowen! |
2L | Thomas | Thomas it has been so lovely to see your participation in class discussions during science lessons. Your sharing of knowledge is greatly appreciated. Keep up the amazing work. |
2L | Asha | Asha, your teacher appreciates your focus and attention when completing work in class. Especially during word work, and 'read to self' time in class. Keep up the wonderful effort you are making to improve your knowledge. Well done! |
3C | Mia | Wow, Mia! Your teacher has been truly impressed by your resilience and perseverance when faced with challenging tasks this term. Seeing you smile at the end of each lesson has been heart-warming. |
3C | Charlotte | For your positive attitude and persistence in Mathematics this week have been outstanding. You mastered working with fractions, number patterns, and applying addition strategies to solve word problems. Your teacher is very impressed. Well Done, Charlotte! |
3P | Dominic | For demonstrating ‘Responsibility’ in his learning. You have been working well in the classroom, showing focus and dedication towards his learning. Well done Dominic, I am proud of you for always trying your best! |
3P | Brooklyn | For the resilience she has shown during our writing lessons this term. As a result, she has written some fabulous sentences, using the new vocabulary we have learnt. Well done Brooklyn, keep up the great work! |
4C | Mila | For your fantastic effort with reading and spelling. It is great to see you working hard and showing improvement each week. Keep up your wonderful work! |
4C | Caleb | For your insightful discussions and responses to questions during whole class reading. You are a wonderful asset to our classroom with your knowledge. |
4R | Makinlee | For the hard work and effort you've brought to your spelling and reading this term. Your teacher is so impressed. What great results Makinlee! |
4R | Jett | For your positive attitude and the enthusiasm you demonstrate in always doing your best in all you do. Great effort Jett! |
5C | Jackson | For your amazing results in science last week. You have shown that you understand how light is reflected, refracted and absorbed to a very high level. |
5C | Mitchell | For your amazing results in science last week. You have shown that you understand how light is reflected, refracted and absorbed to a very high level. |
5C | Matilda | For your amazing results in science last week. You have shown that you understand how light is reflected, refracted and absorbed to a very high level. |
5M | Hannah | For being an absolute Maths On Line legend. You are working on very complex tasks and continue to persevere with them until you attain 100%. Just amazing Hannah! |
5M | Oliver | For displaying the virtues of respect, friendliness, patience and compassion to everyone you meet. You have brought so much to our class Ollie and we are so glad you came to St Mary's. Thank you for being you. |
6T | Ellie | For the effort you have applied this week during Literacy Rotations. You created intricate and engaging complex sentences. Great work Ellie-Harper! |
6T | Xander | For the positive attitude and persistence you have showed in Mathematics this week. You challenged yourself to deepen your understanding with number patterns. I am very impressed Xander! |
6V | Peyton | For being a delightful, hard-working and well-mannered student. Your effort, positive attitude, kindness toward others and willingness to help are valued each day in 6V. |
6V | Charlie | For the dedication and maturity you have shown towards your learning this term has been wonderful to see. Your hard work and commitment are to be commended Charlie. |
Sport | Hayden | You are a great addition to the 2L class Hayden. You try your best in everything that you do in PE and always with a big smile. Your teacher is very impressed with the effort you have put in during PE lessons, lunchtimes and at home to improve your skipping this term. Well done. |
Sport | Archie | You are proving to be an excellent role model for your peers in PE Archie. You are quick to set up and pack up equipment, front and centre when sitting and listening to teacher instructions and using encouraging words and fair play during team activities. Keep up the hard work Archie. |

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