Week 4, Term 1 2025 - 18th February 2025
Principal's Reflection

In my role as principal, I am blessed to be able to meet many dozens of prospective families each year during their child’s enrolment interview.
In these meetings, I have the opportunity to explore their aspirations and visions for their child, and without fail, parents express a desire for their child to be happy.
As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the pursuit of happiness remains a fundamental aspiration for us all, young and old. In today's fast-paced society, filled with technological advancements and ever-increasing demands, finding true contentment can sometimes feel like a daunting task. However, it is precisely in these moments of challenge that we must pause, reflect and re-evaluate our approach to happiness.
Recent research in psychology and neuroscience has shed light on the nature of happiness and how we can cultivate it in our lives. Studies have shown that while external factors such as wealth and material possessions may contribute to temporary feelings of pleasure, long-lasting happiness is more deeply rooted in internal factors such as meaningful relationships, personal growth and a sense of purpose.
One of the key insights from the recent self-help literature is the importance of practicing gratitude. Gratitude has been linked to increased well-being and resilience, as it shifts our focus from what we lack to what we already have. By taking time each day to reflect on the blessings in our lives, whether big or small, we can cultivate a more positive outlook and a greater sense of fulfillment.
Another essential aspect of happiness is fostering strong social connections. In today's digital age, it's easier than ever to stay connected online, but meaningful face-to-face interactions are invaluable for our well-being. Building and nurturing genuine relationships with family, friends and community members not only brings us joy but also provides a support network during challenging times.
Furthermore, embracing lifelong learning and personal growth can significantly contribute to our overall happiness. Engaging in activities that challenge us intellectually, creatively, or physically not only expands our horizons but also boosts our self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. Whether it's learning a new skill, pursuing a hobby, or setting ambitious goals, the journey of self-improvement is inherently fulfilling.
As a Catholic primary school, St Mary’s is guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ, who emphasised the importance of love, compassion and service to others. Acts of kindness and generosity not only benefit those around us but also bring a deep sense of joy and fulfillment to our own lives. By embodying these values in our daily actions, we contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious society.
In conclusion, the pursuit of happiness requires a holistic approach that encompasses gratitude, meaningful relationships, personal growth and acts of kindness. As we strive to instil these values in our school community, let us remember that true happiness is not merely a destination but a journey within our reach, when we cultivate a mindset of positivity, compassion and gratitude.
All the very best,
Wes Rose
From our Principal | Mr Wes Rose
Bishop and Diocesan Director Visit
Last Thursday we hosted a visit from Bishop Michael McCarthy, Mr Michael McCusker (Director of Catholic Education). Fr Anthony, Fr Matthias and Mr David Paul (Assistant Director: Schools). During their visit, they toured the school and met with students and staff. It was great to have these special guests visit our school.

Bishop’s In-Service Day
I advise parents that this Friday 21st February is the Bishop’s Inservice Day, a religious formation day for all staff. This is a student free day and the school office will be closed.
2025 P&F Committee
Following last week’s AGM, I am delighted to announce our P&F committee for 2025;
President Lisa McNamara
Vice-President Tenille Batchelor
Treasurer Samantha Dawes
Secretary Majella McGowan
Events Mel McGuinness
St Mary’s values the strong partnership between home and school and I thank these parents for assisting the school in this way. The P&F warmly invites interested parents to attend our next meeting, held in the staffroom on Tuesday 11th March from 6pm-7pm. At this meeting, parents will have a chance to give their input into various funding initiatives for the 2025 school year and look ahead to some fun social events we have in store.
Pizza & Pickleball – P&F Welcome Event
The St Mary's P&F is excited to host this year's welcome event - Pizza and Pickleball! This event is a perfect chance to gather to welcome new and existing families to St Mary's. The P&F is covering the cost of the pizza and drinks, so no cost to families! Please complete this form link if you would like to attend the evening, to be held on our school basketball court next Tuesday 25th February from 5:30pm-7:30pm. For catering purposes, please RSVP by 9am on 24/2/25.

Just 1 Thing
We continue to promote our Just 1 Thing campaign and ask all parents complete this short, 1-minute survey. This survey will be open until Friday 28th February.
The ‘Just 1 Thing’ campaign was hugely successful last year and it is our aim to gather 200 responses this year, so please make time to consider the ways to can be involved in your child’s education. Well done to 4G who lead the school in form submissions. If you haven’t submitted your response yet, please do so asap!

Staff Training
- Today, Mrs Battaia attended the Regional APC meeting, held here at St Mary’s School.
- Today, Mrs McKenzie, Miss Banks and Miss Graham attended a NCCD training day.
- This Wednesday Mrs Kylie Young (Teacher Assistant) and Mrs Sorbello (Learning Support Teacher) will attend the regional Speech Pathology training session. This new project will see Mrs Young working with specific students in the early years to improve their speech articulation. More news about this will come soon.
- This Wednesday afternoon, Miss Graham will join with new teachers from the South Mackay region for a special meeting with Bishop Michael and CEDR Director: Mr McCusker.
Quote of the Week
“Never compare yourself to others, except the previous you.”
Student Free Day

From the Office - School Fees

Please note that school fees were issued on the 4th February 2025 and are due for payment today, 18th February 2025.
Thank you to all those parents who have paid already finalised their fee account for the term or entered into a payment plan to pay off their fees over the course of 2025.
If you have not made any payment towards your fees and would like to enter into a payment plan, please contact me directly at smm_finance@rok.catholic.edu.au so that I can advise you of your plan options
If you are unsure if you have paid fees or entered into an arrangement, please check in the parent orbit app>accounts tab>school fees account. From here you can view your statement, check your current balance and see if you have made any payments towards fees.
If you have any questions in relation to school fees, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kathy Parrish
Finance Officer
Youth Mass & Children's Liturgy

St Mary's School will join with St Patrick's College to celebrate our Youth Mass on Saturday 22nd February, St Mary's Church at 5pm. Children's Liturgy will be also be held.
Mass will be followed by a pizza outside the church. Everyone is most welcome to attend.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Belinda van Lint
Assistant Principal: Religious Education
P & F News - St Mary's Pie Drive
The P&F are excited to kick off this year's fundraising with a PIE DRIVE.
Thanks to Byrnes Pies, we have a great selection of pies and sweets to choose from. Fill the fridge or freezer with quick, easy, and tasty dinner solutions.
Orders will close Monday 17th March
Delivery will take place Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd April (last week of term)
Scan the QR code to order, click on this LINK
Contact Melissa McGuiness - 0439 375 509 for any enquiries.

Shrove Tuesday - 4th March
Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday. The name Shrove comes from the old middle English word 'Shriven' meaning to go to confession to say sorry for the wrong things you've done.
The other name for this day, Pancake Day, comes from the old English custom of using up all the fattening ingredients in the house before Lent, so that people were ready to fast during Lent. The fattening ingredients that most people had in their houses in those days were eggs and milk. A very simple recipe to use up these ingredients was to combine them with some flour and make pancakes!
REMINDER: When placing your order, please choose 4th March in the 'Select Date' section to show Shrove Tuesday Special Event. Orders close on Quickcliq at 10am on Friday 28th February!

Sport News

Congratulations to Lachlan Dunlop for his selection in the Mackay District AFL team. Good luck at the Capricornia trials in Rockhampton at the end of the month.
Simone Sibley
HPE Teacher
Swap It - Week 4

“WOW your kids with colour! View more recipe ideas here: www.swapit.net.au/recipes
Student of the Week
Week 3, Term 1 Student Award Winners
Prep C | Lincoln | Your teacher is incredibly impressed with your determination, focus, and persistence this week! Your confidence is growing each day, and your thoughtfulness sets a great example for the class. Keep up the great work Lincoln! |
Prep C | Aidan | Thank you for being a friendly and enthusiastic student! You always put your best foot forward, and your teacher is very proud of your fantastic start to the year! |
Prep R | Rumi | For a fantastic start to prep. Well done on listening to instructions, being a kind friend and learning the routines. You are doing amazing! |
Prep R | Maeve | Congratulations Maeve on a wonderful start to prep. You are an independent worker taking great care in everything you do. What a shining star! |
1B | Nikolas | For the great example you set for others in the classroom this week. You are attentive, organised and always do your best. Well done, Nikolas! |
1B | Vance | For the encouragement and positive feedback you gave to your classmates in our Boost reading session this week. What a great reading partner you are Vance! |
1B | Tariq | For the effort you have been putting into completing your work this week. You are on fire! Keep it up Tariq! |
1C | Carlo | For your awesome effort in writing. I loved the way you sounded out your words and used your dictionary to help. You took your time to write neatly and positioned your words within the red and blue lines. Amazing effort Carlo! |
1C | Sierra | For your awesome effort in writing. I loved the way you attempted to write in the red and blue lines, placing some of your letters perfectly! You also worked hard to sound out your words and form your letters correctly. Well done Sierra! |
2A | Henry | For the beautiful way you enter the classroom each morning. You are always ready to learn, participate in classroom discussions and supportive of your fellow classmates. Well done Henry! |
2A | Sabine | For being a ray of sunshine in our 2A classroom! You are kind, respectful and caring and a wonderful role model for your peers. Keep being you Sabine! |
2L | Theo | Theo your teacher is very proud of the efforts you have made to stay focused and do your best. Keep up the positive attitude and mindset! You are a star!! |
2L | Christina | Christina your resilience is shining through this week in everything you do! Keep up the amazing effort to stay positive and keep trying your very best! Your teacher is very proud of you!! |
3M | Emilie | Your talent in crafting a thoughtful and heartfelt prayer for our class prayer book. Your prayer demonstrated not only creativity but also a deep sense of gratitude, kindness, and understanding in your writing. |
3M | Lish | For being such a helpful class member of 3M. Your kindness and willingness to help and support others in the classroom has been amazing to witness. Keep up the excellent work Lish, you are a superstar! |
3P | Amelia | For great work in literacy this week. Thank you for your super ideas during our persuasive writing sessions. Keep up the wonderful work Amelia! |
3P | Bowen | For demonstrating enthusiasm and persistence in all areas of your learning. It’s great to see you applying a growth mindset to everything you do. You are a great role model to your classmates. Keep aiming high Bowen! |
4G | Holly | For the amazing effort you have put in this week to your work. You work away so quietly and have achieved amazing result this week. |
4R | Alfie | For being such a kind and thoughtful member of our class. You have been so supportive of your classmates when they needed help. Your happy smiling face brightens up our day. Keep up the great work Alfie! |
4R | Riley | For your responsible and conscientious attitude to all tasks in the classroom. Thank you, Riley, for always trying your best and for the great example you set for your fellow class members. |
5C | Hugo | For your hard work in writing this week. Hugo your writing demonstrated a sensational story starter and great use similes to enhance your writing. Keep up the great work. |
5C | Ava | For your insightful contributions to classroom discussions. Keep up the great work! |
5F | Isabella | For showing increasing confidence in the classroom this week. Thank you for being a respectful class member, we value your kindness. Welcome to St Mary's. |
5F | Erryn | Welcome to St Mary's, we are so pleased to have you in 5F. Thank you for organisation, it is wonderful to see you always ready to learn. Your kindness is an asset to our classroom. |
6C | Elly | For her diligence and dedication in Maths. It is lovely to see her ability to approach problems from various angles, bringing fresh insights and creative solutions to the classroom. Well done Elly! |
6C | Woodley | For his work ethic and collaborative manner in class. His conscientious approach to every task showcases his dedication and commitment to learning. Woodley's willingness to share knowledge and assist others highlights his generosity and teamwork. Keep up the fantastic work Woodley. |
6T | Eirian | For the positive start you’ve made in Year 6. Your contributions to our class discussions, especially on topics like Federation and persuasive writing, have been fantastic. Your opinions and insights add great value to our learning. Well done, Eirian! |
6T | Ashton | For your hard work and persistence in mathematics. You are demonstrating a growth mindset by asking questions and showing your working to overcome challenging problems. It is very impressive to see. Well done, Ashton! |

Community News

St Mary's Netball is looking for players born 2013 and 2014 to join our wonderful teams.
If you require any information please email stmarynetball@gmail.com