Week 5, Term 1 2025 - 25th February 2025
APRE's Reflection
At St Mary’s the Catholic Social Teaching Principle (CSTP) of subsidiarity and participation is very important and every opportunity is given to allow students to have a voice and take part in decision-making that occurs at our school. Our year 6 leaders participate in a regular leader’s forum where they have an opportunity to have a say and contribute ideas for their school. At our most recent leader’s forum our leaders had an opportunity to vote on suggested 2025 P&F projects.
This year we will hold fortnightly St Mary’s Leaders of Justice (3-6) and St Mary’s Little Justice Leaders (P-2) meetings to organise events in our school to promote social justice in our school, in our community and in our world. Participation in social justice initiatives allows students to develop empathy and awareness and provides students with opportunities to contribute to their school and local community through a wide range of events and activities. Our first Justice Leaders meeting will be tomorrow and at this meeting we will discuss fundraising opportunities, ways to support charities such as Caritas and St Vincent de Paul and whole school events such as World Environment Day. We encourage all students in years 3-6 to come to this meeting and share their ideas.

In addition to our justice lunchtime activities, throughout Term One each class has chosen an act of kindness that they can complete as a class to spread kindness in our school and in the wider community. These acts have included making cards for teachers and making cards for the nurses and midwives at the Mater Hospital to celebrate the upcoming National Nurses and Midwives Day. We look forward to sharing these cards with nurses and midwives in our community very soon.
Belinda van Lint
Assistant Principal - Religious Education
From our Principal | Mr Wes Rose

Just 1 Thing
We continue to promote our Just 1 Thing campaign and ask all parents complete this short, 1-minute survey. This survey will be open until Friday 28th February.
The ‘Just 1 Thing’ campaign was hugely successful last year and it is our aim to gather 200 responses this year. We have only 103 entries thus far, so please make time to consider the ways to can be involved in your child’s education. Well done to 4G who still lead the school in form submissions. If you haven’t submitted your response yet, please do so asap!

Staff Training
- Yesterday and today, Mr Rose and Mrs Sorbello (Learning Support Teacher) attended a 2-day Team-Teach training course. Team Teach focuses on positive behaviour strategies to improve behaviour and engagement at school.
- This Thursday, our leadership team will be involved in a planning day as a follow up to last year’s ‘Enhancing Catholic Schools’ This day will assist our leadership team in unpacking our results and help set goals for the future.
- This Friday, we welcome Mrs Stephanie Salazar from Sanctuaries of Learning. Steph is an expert in coaching for student impact, which has shown to be a major improvement strategy for teaching and learning. Initially working with our leadership team, Steph will journey with our staff throughout the year, returning to work with teachers on 5th September (pupil free day).
Chess Competition
All the best to the 24 students who are representing St Mary’s at the Mackay Inter-School Chess Competition next Monday at MCC. Mrs Cleaver will support our students during the day.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Next Wednesday, we mark the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday, a sacred time in the Church that calls us to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The ashes placed on our foreheads remind us of our humility before God and our commitment to grow in faith during this season of preparation for Easter. Lent is a journey of reflection and renewal, inviting us to deepen our relationship with God and live out God’s call to love and serve others. It is a time to pause, reflect on our lives and embrace the opportunity for spiritual growth.
We warmly invite you to join us for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 10:15am in the Hall. This special gathering will allow us to begin Lent together in prayer, seeking God’s grace as we embark on this season of renewal. We look forward to sharing this meaningful time with you.
Quote of the Week
“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their growth.”
-Bill McCartney
From the Library

Entries for the Queensland School Libraries - Window to the World Competition are due tomorrow 26th February.
The primary competition has two categories, Prep - Year 2 and Year 3 - Year 6.
Prep - Year 2: What is your favourite story? Draw or paint a picture to illustrate this. Your picture should be on an A4 sheet. Add a caption if you like.
Year 3 - Year 6: The theme is Window to the World. Produce an artwork to reflect the theme Window to the World.
Each school can only submit one entry for each category. We will choose the winning entry on Wednesday 26th February. If your child's artwork is chosen, we will give them an 'Authority to Publish Form' to bring home. Please sign and return this form to us the following day so that we can get their artwork submitted before the closing date. Unfortunately, without this form we will be unable to submit their entry.
Lynne Camargo
Library Coordinator
House Shirt Day
All students are invited to wear their 'House' shirt this Friday 28th February.

P & F News

Shrove Tuesday - 4th March
Shrove Tuesday is next week. It is celebrated the day before Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday. The name Shrove comes from the old middle English word 'Shriven' meaning to go to confession to say sorry for the wrong things you've done.
The other name for this day, Pancake Day, comes from the old English custom of using up all the fattening ingredients in the house before Lent, so that people were ready to fast during Lent. The fattening ingredients that most people had in their houses in those days were eggs and milk. A very simple recipe to use up these ingredients was to combine them with some flour and make pancakes!
REMINDER: When placing your order, please choose 4th March in the 'Select Date' section to show Shrove Tuesday Special Event. Orders close on Quickcliq at 10am on Friday 28th February!

Clean Up Australia Day
This year will be the 35th annual Clean Up Australia Day and St Mary’s will be running an event to help clean up our local community.
When : Sunday, 9th March
Where: Quota Park, East Mackay (near Ocean International)
Time: 8:30am - 10am
What to bring: Water bottle, hat, gloves (these will be provided)

A School Clean Clean Up Australia day is a great way to inspire our students to learn about the impact of rubbish on their local environment while playing an active role in their local community. We hope to see as many students there as possible, playing their part in keeping our environment clean and being stewards of creation.
Belinda van Lint
Assistant Principal - Religious Education
Sport News
Cross Country - Save the Date

More information about our St Mary's Cross Country has been emailed to all years 3-6 parents. If you are able to assist on the day, please email me at simone_sibley@rok. catholic.edu.au
Simone Sibley
HPE Teacher
St Mary's Pie Drive
The P&F are excited to kick off this year's fundraising with a PIE DRIVE.
Thanks to Byrnes Pies, we have a great selection of pies and sweets to choose from. Fill the fridge or freezer with quick, easy, and tasty dinner solutions.
- Orders will close Monday 17th March
- Delivery will take place Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd April (last week of term)
Scan the QR code to order, click on this LINK
Contact Melissa McGuiness - 0439 375 509 for any enquiries.

Youth Mass
It was wonderful to see so many of our new school leaders and students at our first Youth Mass for 2025 last Saturday.

Community News